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Crabtree & Evelyn Nail Polish Review

January 12, 2013

Happy new year!
Well, I recently purchased two nail polishes from Crabtree & Evelyn. One in Apple, and another in the shade, Sky.
C&EI’m currently wearing the shade Apple and it’s a bright, bold red. The photo makes it look pink, but it’s not. I guess to describe it, I’d say it reminds me of the colour of Snow White’s poison apple. It’s really bold and sophisticated. I’ve even had guys come up and tell me that they like my nails. Hehe.

After applying two coats, I sealed it with Sally Hanson’s Diamond Strength nail polish in 01 Flawless. I’ve had my nails painted for exactly a week as of today. And it still hasn’t chipped!

Do I recommend it? Absolutely!

Elephant Plush

December 1, 2012

Meet Mr Huffsalot.

He was born during the wee hours of December 1st.
His favourite colour is yellow and he likes to eat pumpernickel bread.

I made him on a whim yesterday night. He’s about 4 inches tall. I quite like him, considering that I didn’t have a plan or a pattern.

Cupcakes, anyone?

December 1, 2012

I found these adorable cupcake ornaments today. There were actually three different ones that I could have picked.Two were in the shape of cookies and has a much more holiday feel to it. The ones in this box, however, were the ones that caught my eye. Don’t they look yummy? Image
I’m thinking about giving them out individually as really small gifts or as a little extra to bigger gifts. Image
It’s a shame they’re not actually edible, or else I would’ve finished them before I brought them home. 🙂


‘Well done’ is …

November 25, 2012

‘Well done’ is better than ‘well said.’

-Benjamin Franklin

Birds and wedding gifts

November 24, 2012

Birds and wedding gifts

Over the weekend this warehouse was having a sale. When I first entered the building, it appeared really sketchy with dim lighting and items scattered everywhere. There were things ranging from wedding gifts to really vintage clocks, and once I actually started looking around, I started noticing a lot of things that I thought would be useful.

For example, behind the pile of candles and baby gifts, there was a gothic looking jewelry stand in the shape of a birdcage. I had been looking for something nice to organize my stuff for a while now (I’ve been using the little plates from an Italian tea set that my friend gave me to hold my bracelets and bobby pins), so I decided to get it.

I went again today to see if there was anything new placed out. There wasn’t much, but I did take a look at some other jewelry stands that were on a table behind the lawn decorations. I don’t know about you guys, but looking from far away isn’t really helpful when it comes to deciding whether or not I want to buy something. Especially when there are some pretty wacky metal pigs and fairies in the way. So, I carefully stepped around some fairies only to nearly knock over a row of pelican (? at least I think they were pelicans… I know they weren’t flamingos) lawn decorations :/
Long story short, I spent the next couple of minutes trying to rearrange them so that they wouldn’t fall over before attempting again to grab the two jewelry stands.

One looked like a mini hat stand that was off white, while the other was a dull blue with much more intricate with branches as hooks. You can probably guess that I got the fancier one.

I wanted to buy some wall decorations too, but I decided against it. Unless I had my entire room redecorated, the vintage wall art that they sold would not have suited my room. I’ve always liked my room bare, it just makes me  feel much more organized that way. Though being actually organized is a whole different story.

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